
“May I accept whatever life may bring centered in balance, gratitude and delight. May I trust the Divine hand in everything and see beyond life’s hardships to the light.” Johanna Mosca

Santosha is a Niyama that means contentment. It is a willingness to accept whatever fate may bring with balance, gratitude and joy. By practicing Santosha, we can learn to detach from our daily experience and simply become an objective witness, observing ourselves on a transcendent level. We are acting as our own witness, watching our lives play out and are not attached to particular outcomes. By practicing Santosha, we can make the most of any situation and even though we can become frustrated or upset, we can move back into balance and maintain serenity through life’s ups and downs.

During times in our life when we our experiencing our own confusion, sadness and fear,  the practice of Santosha can be difficult but can bring us much peace. Consider taking some time to close your eyes, focus on your breathing, focus on light and  these affirmations.

I am contented with my self and my life

I am grateful for everything that happens to me

I maintain my balance in the face of hardships

I rejoice in the flow of life

I am a lighthearted being

October 11, 2011 · by  · in blog · Tags:

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